My Life will Never be the Same
2011. The year began fantastic. I was doing excellent in school. I had good friends. I was comfortable around my family, friends, teachers, and peers. I played softball over the summer. I attended school and church activities. Things were flowing like any Jr. High student.
My life forever changed after my first dance. I woke up the day after the dance, and I didn't remember a thing. I didn't know what happened. I was confused about what my dad was asking about when he asked me how the dance went. They had me eat breakfast to try to reboot my memory; I still didn't remember. They sent me back to bed. It was almost 2 pm when they came to wake me up again to ask me if I was going to join them in their activities. I got really upset that they had let me sleep in that late! This confused my parents because I had been awake earlier and had eaten breakfast. My mom asked me questions about the past few days, weeks, events... she asked until I got really mad that I could not answer any of her questions. This is when she called the doctor.
The doctor said, "Get her to Primary Children's Hospital." Within 2 days of being at the hospital, we got 6 months of testing done and discovered I had a brain tumor on my hippocampus. This made me horrified! I suddenly found out that the doctors were going to be cutting into the part of my body that controls everything.
I found a friend that had her own form of a brain surgery. She comforted me and explained how it was not horrible. We talked about her story until I was comfortable with what was happening to me.
One week later, I had my first brain surgery.
This is what introduced me into the medical field.
(I am writing this from what I have been told. I do not remember very much about this time in my life.)