Judged Before Met
This was my first successful painting of a person: it looks like the person!
People judge you. The way you look, the way you walk, the way you talk, is judged daily. There are the bias and labels that people put onto you before you even say anything to them. Most of the judgement, the people cannot control or manage because it is directed by their subconscious, but they then consciously choose whether they will keep that label for you or allow it to change, alter, and be adjusted.
Every Sunday last year, I would go to church to be the organist. I would play the organ for sacrament meeting and always sit by myself. It was not the most enjoyable always being alone. People would sit and stare wide eyes at me while I transferred from the organ to the seats. The reason why was because I would commonly wear slacks instead of a skirt: easier to play the organ in. This shows how since it was "different" and "out of place" for a girl to wear a skirt, they judged me.