Stop Child Abuse
The Children Justice Center does a fund raiser each year to help raise funding to help abused kids. The world is not all a fairy tale.
37% of American children are reported abused. That is 2 out of every 5 kids you meet have been abused! Every day we see 200 people, 26% of those are under age 18, which means you see pass approximately 19 abused kids a day. That is crazy! Sad. If you don't want to donate to help abused kids, you can always be willing to volunteer to help fundraisers, make toys for the kids, et cetera. 68% of the time the abuse is due to a family member, so help families and invite people over to help people feel comfortable and safe.
5 children die/day due to child abuse. 70% of these children are below age 3.
The abuse does not just go away, it sticks in them and they don't know what to do with it or how to process it. 80% of abused kids will be diagnosed with a psychological disorder, 60% more likely to be arrested, and 25% more likely to experience a teenage pregnancy. This shows how kids need to find help and learn how to process their experiences. Let's all go out and help a kid today.
Help abused kids: