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Lucky for you...

"Lucky for you... I'm still stuck in school for a while."

We have all heard something like this before. The issue with statement is that you are choosing to be stuck. Stuck means: "be fixed in a particular position or unable to move or be moved" ( What is the point of school if you are stuck in it?

“So what’s the point of school? Because I always thought it was to get good grades. Follow directions. Get a diploma. A means to an end, you know. That’s what my dad always says. But after twelve and a half years of schooling I’m really confused. I mean really, what’s the point of school?” (Armstrong)

That is a lot of people's problems. Success in school does not mean success in life (Armstrong). Some people say school is "to graduate with a degree which will drastically improve one's chances of getting a job in which one can afford to live comfortably" (Quora).

I think all of this is part of the problem. Let me ask you again: what is the point of school? Okay, you say to get a diploma or a degree. Now what? What is the purpose of that diploma and degree? To get me a better paying job. Why is that? Why will a degree get you a higher paying job? Why would they pay you more because you have a piece of paper?

The reasons why is because they trust that the schooling gave you experience. Experience to work with people. Experience to problem solve. Experience to learn from other people. It gave you stressful situations where you had to solve problems. This helps improve your ability.

School is a progress to achieve your dreams. It is not just something to complete before you can get your goal: it is part of helping you achieve your goal.

Your in school? Go find a job, topic, book, internship, job shadow, meet people who have your career. School is to help you, not do it for you. Don't let school hold you down or direct you. You make the current moment what you want your life to be forever like.

Works cited

Appiah, Kwame Anthony. “What Is the Point of College?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 8 Sept. 2015,

Armstrong, Jay. “What's the Point of School?” Medium, Student Voices, 19 June 2018,

"What are the purposes of going to a university?"

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