Have you ever been in love? Felt care when in their arms. Felt at home, in peace, whenever they are there. Loving the texture of their skin. Feeling this way is real, one cannot deny this, but it is not the only way someone feels.
Pain, troubles, fights, yells, come along with it. The house isn't clean, the wrong food, money being relocated, everyone can think of this chaos. Commonly these are laughed at later, if they are not, is the love worth it?
Sometimes relationships will be boring. Plain, without any drama, just dragging on. No flowers, no sweet kiss, just a long silence. When will be the next date? When will they brush against my arm again? Things just seem to go on forever.
All of these situations will be gone through, in every and all relationships. That is okay. Know that you are living life and continue forwards. It is okay: not amazing, not horrible, just normal, which is good!